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~~~~~~~ WITANDWISDOM™ - May 6, 1999

~~~~~~~ THOUGHTS:

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden

(E-zine: INSPIRATION A DAY! Mailto:jhinds@technologist.com)


Some Testimony to God's working through students at Columbine High School in Littleton. - Things you probably won't hear about in the news:

John Tomlin, Rachel Scott, and Cassie Bernall's funerals were very evangelical and evangelistic in nature. All three focused 90% on Christ and 10% on the individual. The gospel was presented clearly in each of the funerals and a number of the local youth made first time commitments to Christ in each of the services. The true faith of the parents and desire to draw others to Christ through the life & death of their children was very evident . . .

1. John Tomiln's Memorial Service (16) - John was a committed believer. He was active in mission work. John's best friend shared at the funeral that although John was a great guy, he was not going to heaven because of that. He was going to heaven because of his trust and fellowship with Christ. This was a reoccurring theme throughout the funeral. There were a number of first time commitments to Christ that took place at the funeral.

2. Rachel Scott's Funeral (17) - Rachel was a committed believer who desired to go into missionary work in Africa. Her prom date shared how her faith had impacted him and those around her in the school. Over 15 first time commitments to Christ occurred at the funeral.

3. Cassie Bernall/Martyr's Funeral (17) - I was blessed with an invitation from a brother youth worker, her youth pastor, to attend the funeral. Cassie was totally anti-Christian two years ago. She was involved in witchcraft and very suicidal. Her parents forcibly drug her into the youth pastor's office. When she walked out - his reaction was "Wow, she is a lost cause . . ." Through the prayers of her church's youth group, parents, and youth pastor . . . Cassie about 6 months later walked back up to the youth pastor and said "You'll never guess what I did today . . . I gave my life to Christ . . ." - From that point forward, Cassie was a radical evangelist on her campus. The funeral showed some video tape of her sharing parts of her testimony which were very powerful. It is because of her radical faith on Campus that she was asked if she believed in God - She replied "Yes, I believe in Jesus" (Not I believe in God as the media has reported) . . . For that she was killed . . . I can say that her parents were devastated but proud of their daughter (she looks exactly like her mother). The funeral was more of a celebration of Christ's work in her and through her and a number of girls shared how she had led them to faith . . . At Cassie's Memorial Service over 75 kids made first time commitments to Christ. At the funeral, the pastor and a member of the musical group presented the gospel twice and offered the "Sinner's Prayer" twice . . . - Her funeral was more of an evangelistic event than a mourning of the loss . . . I was very touched by the testimony of her friends along with the clear presentation of the gospel (in attendance was everyone from the JeffCo SWAT Team, Paramedics, District Attorneys' Office, etc) . . . I feel honored to have been able to witness such an event & watch God work through her death to bring life to others.
God Bless, Hansel

(Linda Aufrance via E-zine: MONDAY FODDER Mailto:dgaufaaa@iohk.com)

~~~~~~~ THIS & THAT:


Boy: Why won't you marry me? Is there someone else?
Girl: There must be.

Lynn: Jim proposed to me last night!
Friend: Doesn't he do it nicely?

Joe: What would you say if I asked you to be my wife?
Flo: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.

Mae: I've been asked to get married lots of times.
Rae: Who asked you?
Mae: Mom and Dad. Lots of times.

(E-zine: MONDAY FODDER Mailto:dgaufaaa@iohk.com)


The kindergarten class had settled down to its coloring books. Willie came up to the teacher's desk and said, "Miss Francis, I ain't go no crayons."

"Willie," Miss Francis said, "you mean, 'I don't have any crayons. - You don't have any crayons. - We don't have any crayons. - They don't have any crayons.' Do you see what I'm getting at?"

"Not really," Willie said, "What happened to all them crayons?"

(E-zine: JOKE A DAY http://www.jokeaday.com)

~~~~~~~ TRIVIA:

The Outdoor Billboard Signs from God mentioned in your e-mail dated March 24, 1999 are being picked up and expanded in over 20 cities as a public service of the outdoor advertising association.

I saw a new one in Fort Worth that reads:

"I Know Ten Things That Are Absolutely CARVED IN STONE"

(Jon B. Roberts)

WITandWISDOM™ Copyright © 1998-2000 by Richard G. Wimer - All Rights Reserved
Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to Richard G. Wimer.