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WITandWISDOM(tm) - September 20, 2001

~~~~~~~ THOUGHTS:

It is not genius, nor glory, nor love that reflects the greatness of the human soul; it is kindness. - Dominque Lacordaire

Submitted by Bettie


Once upon a time Truth went about the streets as naked as the day he was born. As a result, no one would let him into their homes. Whenever people caught sight of him, they turned away and fled. One day when Truth was sadly wandering about, he came upon Parable. Now, Parable was dressed in splendid clothes of beautiful colors. And Parable, seeing Truth, said, "Tell me, neighbor, what makes you look so sad?" Truth replied bitterly, "Ah, brother, things are bad. Very bad. I'm old, very old, and no one wants to acknowledge me. No one wants anything to do with me."

Hearing that. Parable said, "People don't run away from you because you're old. I too am old. Very old. But the older I get, the better people like me. I'll tell you a secret: Everyone likes things disguised and prettied up a bit. Let me lend you some splendid clothes like mine, and you'll see that the very people who pushed you aside will invite you into their homes and be glad of your company."

Truth took Parable's advice and put on the borrowed clothes. And from that time on. Truth and Parable have gone hand in hand together and everyone loves them. They make a happy pair.

From: "Yiddish Folktales," Pantheon Books, New York, edited bv Beatrice Silverinan Weinreich, ISBN: 0805210903, http://isbn.nu/0805210903/price

Source: Bits & Pieces, May 23, 1996, Copyright (c) Economic Press, Inc., http://www.epinc.com

~~~~~~~ THIS & THAT:

Part 1 of 2 [Sep 20, 28]

I'm a teacher from Fairbanks, Alaska and as an assignment in preparation for April Fool's Day I had my 25 3rd grade students do a writing lesson on reasons for not getting in their homework. - Fred Bongiovanni

My dog ate it.

My mom thought it was garbage and threw it away.

My brother did it instead of his own.

My little sister flushed it down the toilet.

My sister shot it full of holes with a B.B. gun.

It got wet in the rain.

Someone shredded it.

It got lost in a tidal wave.

An alien took it. He wanted to see an example of human intelligence.

I went to see a movie instead.

I threw up on it.

I spilt my chocolate milk on it.

My cat pooped on it.

I just lost it somehow.

My homework went in with the wash.

I forgot it at school.

My sister colored all over it.

My mom fried it.

My dad mailed it to Barney.

My friend switched mine with his.

I used it to clean up.

I don't know. It just went somewhere.

I had to go to bed.

My mom hid it on me.

Source: Have a Nice Day


There are two things you need to know about women . . . and no one knows them. - Steve Adams' uncle

Submitted by Gary

~~~~~~~ TRIVIA:

"Crossing a loganberry, a blackberry and a red raspberry, a farmer and Anaheim parks superintendent named Rudolph Boysen created a larger berry but then abandoned his scraggly hybrids in his orchard. Word of the cross-pollination intrigued Walter Knott, a farmer with 20 rented acres in Buena Park. Knott nursed the near-dead plants into beauties, and through the 1920s his wife, Cordelia, turned what wasn't sold from their stand into pies and jams and preserves. By 1931 Knott was among the best-known berry growers in California.

Knott's Berry Farm evolved from a berries-by-the-basket roadside endeavor to a roadhouse chicken restaurant in 1934 to the themed amusement park--the oldest in the nation--that's visited annually by 3.7 million people and was valued at $300 million when the family sold it to Ohio-based Cedar Fair in 1997."

Source: "The Knott Family Legacy," by Nancy Wride, Los Angeles Times Magazine, July
15, 2001, p. 21. http://www.latimes.com/

Submitted by Ken Wade

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Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to Richard G. Wimer.