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WITandWISDOM(tm) - July 4, 2002
ISSN 1538-8794

~~~~~~~ THOUGHTS:

He who goes forth with a fifth on the fourth may not come forth on the fifth!

Submitted by Susan Richmond

Subjects: Drinking, Alcohol, Independence Day


During the reign of Frederick William III of Prussia, a count who plotted against the king's life was imprisoned in the fortress of Glatz. He was a very irreligious man, but, since the Bible was the only literature available in the dungeon, he began to read it.

The message of the Book touched his heart, and one night while there was a violent storm without, another severe tempest raged within the prisoner's breast. For the first time in his life the love of Christ appealed to the count; he repented of his sinful life, and turned to the Lord with tears of genuine repentance. Arising from his cot to open the Bible, his eyes fell upon the words: "Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me." Psalm 50:15. Kneeling down in his cell in that storm-beaten prison, he called upon the compassionate Saviour, and his troubled soul found peace and deliverance.

That same night in the royal palace at Berlin the king was suffering severe physical pain; and at length in his extremity he pleaded with God to grant him one hour of refreshing sleep. On awakening, he said to his wife: "God has looked upon me very graciously, and I am thankful to Him. Who in my kingdom has wronged me most? I will forgive him."

"The count who is imprisoned at Glatz," replied Queen Louise.

"You are right," said the sick monarch; "let him be pardoned." And with the dawn of day a swift courier was dispatched to Silesia, bearing to the now penitent Christian count the king's full pardon.

By Roy F. Cottrell

Source: Signs of the Times, Copyright (c) June 13, 1939, Pacific Press, http://www.signstimes.com

Submitted by Dale Galusha

Subjects: Conversion, Forgiveness, Prison

~~~~~~~ THIS & THAT:

Some E-mail Etiquette


2. use punctuation its hard to read stuff that doesnt have any commas capital letters periods or apostrophes

3. Usee yur spall chacker. Its annyang to try to reede constent spalling misstakes.

4. Finally, don't use short hand. Stuff like "r u going to stp by ltr" can be hard to read.

Source: Colorado Comments, http://coloradocomments.com/

Subjects: E-mail, Parody, Grammar


Our company's facsimile machine, an early model, is extremely slow. The employees grumbled quite a bit about it, until finally a clever worker made them smile. One morning, taped to the top of the antiquated machine, was a picture of a dinosaur with this caption: "Tyrannosaurus Fax."

Contributed to Reader's Digest "All In a Day's Work" by Karen Oursel

Source: DailyInBox: Reader's Digest CyberSmiles, http://dailyinbox.com/rd/

Subjects: Signs, Office

~~~~~~~ TRIVIA:

The 4th of July commemorates the presentation of The Declaration of Independence"on 7/4/1776. No it wasn't really signed on this day - just presented. Four days later, it was approved. No, still not signed, just approved. So when did they actually sign the Declaration? Well, for that you'd have to wait until August! August 2nd, 1776, to be exact. Thomas McKean, representing Delaware, was serving in the army and was unavailable to sign for five years!

Thomas Jefferson was the major author of the "Declaration", but he got a lot of help from "The Natural Rights Theory" of John Locke. In Locke's words: "All men are equal in their unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Then Jefferson took Locke's words a step further to say that a government should "establish to secure these rights", that if it failed to do so, the people should abolish it. This alone, was enough to be considered treasonous to the British crown. And so, at the signing of he"Declaration of Independence" John Hancock said, "Now we must all hang together." or, as Johnny smilingly continued, "most assuredly, we will all hang separately."

From: History Channel Archive and Encyclopedia Britannica

Submitted by Joanne Kull

(Some sources differ on these facts, but this gives an interesting perspective.)

Subjects: Independence Day,

WITandWISDOM™ ISSN 1538-8794 - Copyright © 1998-2002 by Richard G. Wimer - All Rights Reserved
Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to Richard G. Wimer.